Thursday, 23 October 2014

New Moon at Mangaf

Low tide. Nearly a full spring tide.
Weather:  High of 30oC low of 19oC, Sunny, Wind 8kph from SSW.  Sea calm.
New Moon (0%).  Oct 24 2014.
Sun rise 0554 Sunset 1709
Moon rise 0609 Moon set 1736
Fishing prediction from "Fishing Times Lite v1.2" app for iPhone was "Good".
Low tide 0540 (0.6m)  High tide 1210 (2.3m)  Low tide 1730 (1.1m)  High tide 2340 (2.7m).
MLWN 1.5m  MHWN 2.2m  MLWS 0.6m MHWS 2.7m.  Full Spring tide due 25th Oct.
Tidal data  for Mina Al Ahmadi : 29o04.0'N 048o10'E from "Tide Planner v4.3" app for iPhone.

Views at low tide after last week's rough seas.
1. Looking North

2. Underwater obstacles

3. Looking East to Fahaheel Sea Club marina entrance 

4. Rocky outcrops

5. Underwater obstacles

6. Rocky outcrops

7. Old Coast Guard vessel

From 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. the water was quite busy with needle fish and half beaks chasing the boobies, though not actually greeting the hook points attached on their bony mouths / "beaks". Switching to a white sparkly fly in this water of 1m depth, I then tempted this short-fin goatfish on to the line.
Short-Fin Goatfish (Upeneus oligospilus Lachner, 1954), 
with a 10g lead weight for comparison

Not having caught one of these before, I went to to find out what it was, from the Kuwait list of fish species. It turned out to be easy to ID with its bright yellow barbels.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Rough seas

North, Towards "Miral" Coffee Shop on Beach
(Caribou Coffee/Costa Coffee/ Red Bean etc.)
I was hoping to see a  high neap tide this morning but the wind did get up overnight, coming onshore from the northeast at 15-40 km/h. The sand was blowing around the buildings and off the beach with waves 1-2m ( moderate to rough).
Entry Point to Beach
Given that the beach was being over washed to the encroaching building edges and the small promontories/ piers were also being washed over, I decided to err on the side of caution and give the fishing a miss this morning. I don't need a storm surge making the water higher than last week's spring tide blocking access and compromising safety.
Towards Fishing Site